June 30 – July 4, 2012
Chicago Days are co-organized by the Friends of Chicago Foundation, Sofia City Hall and the Embassy of the United States. Media partners are Darik Radio, Bulgaria SEGA Weekly – Chicago, BG7 Radio – Chicago and EuroChicago.com. Held just before the 4th of July for the second consecutive year, Chicago Days benefit from people-to-people diplomacy to promote Bulgarian-American friendship and cooperation and to provide public support for establishing a sister cities relationship between Bulgaria’s capital Sofia and Chicago.
The four movies selected for 2012 film series “Chicago on the American screen” are related to the great city of Chicago as well as to eternal human pursuit for ideas that could change one’s life. “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off “ is a discreet look at the breathtaking Chicago architecture and people-friendly environment as well as an explaination what we are missing most in a city made of glass and concreet. At a glance, “The Untouchables” seems to be an Al Capone story. In fact, this film shows how people’s courage and commitment could help a city to escape from the organized crime nightmare. “The Proof” is charged with almost mythical intellectual energy that helps understand why the Chicago University is affiliated with 87 Nobel Prize laureates. And “Chicago” is a friendly wink to anyone who wants to discover more about the exciting staves of musical life in this fantastic city.
Saturday, June 30, 2012, 8:30 p.m.
ART Space (between Patriarch Evtimiy Blvd. and Frityof Nansen Blvd.)
Free and open to the public
Chicago on the American screen
“Chicago” is a musical film, exploring the themes of celebrity, scandal, and corruption in Jazz-age Chicago. In 2002, the musical “Chicago” won six Oscars: for best picture, best supporting actress, art direction, costume design, sound and film editing. Director: Rob Marshall. Starring: Catherine Zeta-Jones, Renee Zellweger, Richard Gere.
Sunday, July 1, 2012, 9:00 p.m.
ART Space (between Patriarch Evtimiy Blvd. and Frityof Nansen Blvd.)
Free and open to the public
Chicago on the American screen
Infamous Chicago gangster Al Capone who claimed he „owned“ Chicago is America’s best known gangster and the single greatest symbol of the collapse of law and order in the United States during the 1920s Prohibition era. Federal Agent Eliot Ness set out to stop Al Capone. And he knows that shoot fast and shoot first is the only rule in the battle against the organized crime. Director: Brian De Palma. Starring: Kevin Costner, Sean Connery, Robert De Niro.
Monday, July 2, 2012, 9:00 p.m.
ART Space (between Patriarch Evtimiy Blvd. and Frityof Nansen Blvd.)
Free and open to the public
Chicago on the American screen
The University of Chicago is affiliated with 87 Nobel Prize laureates. “Proof” is a film reveling how such international reputation has been won throughout the years. It tells the story of a Chicago University professor who has to explore the way from madness to geniality. Director: John Madden. Starring: Gwyneth Paltrow, Anthony Hopkins.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012, 9:00 p.m.
ART Space (between Patriarch Evtimiy Blvd. and Frityof Nansen Blvd.)
Free and open to the public
Chicago on the American screen
This comedy is a film director Hughes’ love letter to the city of Chicago: „I really wanted to capture as much of Chicago as I could. Not just in the architecture and landscape, but the spirit.” Ferris Bueller, a popular high school student living in an affluent Chicago suburb, takes a day off and heads for adventure in downtown Chicago. Director: John Hughes. Starring: Matthew Broderick, Alan Ruck, Mia Sara and …. a classic 1961 red Ferrari 250 GT convertible.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012, 8:00 p.m.
ART Space (between Patriarch Evtimiy Blvd. and Frityof Nansen Blvd.)
Free and open to the public
Vasil Georgiev, famous in Bulgaria and abroad as Vasko The Patch, is the frontmen of Sofia based Poduene Blues Band. He plays drums, harmonica and guitar. A blues singer, song writer and excellent musician, Vasko the Patch has invaluable contribution to the the history of blues music in this country.
In the intermission (from 9:45 to 9:15 p.m.) screening of Ivan Kozhuharov’s documentary “PICTURES AND SOUNDS FROM CHICAGO”
In his documentary, Ivan Kozhuharov shares his excitement and respect for America. He has the talent to translate what has been unknown into readable and lovable story; therefore, after seeing Ivan Kozhuharov’s documentary, we feel Chicago like part of our own life memory.
In the framework of 2012 Chicago Days, three events more have been scheduled:
In partnership with Sofia City Library, the Friends of Chicago Foundation announced in March 2012 Sofia-Chicago Children Art Competition: “My City, My Family and My Friends”. Do children of Chicago and children of Sofia perceive their city, family and friends the same way? We will find out when the best competition entries in each age group will be exposed in the American Corner on June 1, 2012.
The Friends of Chicago Foundation, the American Corner at the Sofia City Library and Tochitsa Publishing House announced for the second consecutive year Shel Silverstein Poem Translation Competition. In the framework of 2012 Chicago Days in Sofia, Bulgaria, an awarding ceremony will be held for the winners in the competition at the American Corner in Sofia at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, June 22, 2012. Sheldon Alan Silverstein, better known as Shel Silverstein, was born in Chicago. His first collection of poems, Where the Sidewalk Ends, was published in 1974 and became an instant classic. Translated into 20 languages, his books have sold over 20 million copies. But Shel Silverstein was known not only as an author of children’s books. He was an American writer, cartoonist, singer-songwriter, musician and composer.
In partnership with the State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad, the Friends of Chicago Foundation organizes the first ever exhibition in Bulgaria of Bulgarian-American artists, members of Bulgarian Artists Abroad Association. The main goal of the organization, which was founded on April 15, 2007 in Chicago, is to promote Bulgarian art and culture in the world and to educate people about it. The organization aims to unify the efforts of all Bulgarian artists living outside Bulgaria and make the Bulgarian culture more well-known through art shows, public lectures, museum visits, art workshops and art walks. The members of Bulgarian Artists Abroad Association are predominantly from the U.S. (Chicago, New York, Washington, D.C., New Orleans, Houston, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Austin, Wichita). Center of Bulgarian Artists Abroad Association is Chicago, where the biggest Bulgarian community in America lives (it’s estimated between 50,000 and 120,000 people). The group has also representatives in France, Croatia and Austria. The official openning of the exhibition is scheduled for June 27, 2012 at 4 p.m. at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Sofia City Council is to aprove a proposal for giving the name “Chicago” to one of Sofia square with the following motives:
• Mayor of Chicago is the only mayor in the world who proclaims in a special Proclamation National Day of Bulgaria to be Bulgarian Day in Chicago and encourages all Chicagoans to recognize the contributions of Bulgarian community to the city.
• Chicago is the only foreign city in the world where an official Bulgarian-American ceremony of rasing Bulgarian Flag to celebrate Bulgarian National Day is held every year.
• Chicago is the only foreign city in the world where Bulgarian language has been recognized as one of the official languages for providing useful information for taxpayers by the Cook County Treasurer’s Office.
• Chicago is home of the largest Bulgarian community in the United States as well as of the best self-organized Bulgarian community in the world.
• In 1993, Chicago invited Bulgaria to make an independent ex¬hibit at the World’s Fair; thus, Chicago was the first in the world to recognize Bulgaria as an independent state after the end of Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878).
• An official proposal for establishing a sister cities relationship was made at the meeting of the Mayor of Sofia, Mr. Boyko Borissov, with the Mayor of Chicago, Mr. Richard Daley, held in Chicago on February 3, 2009.
Friends of Chicago Foundation, founded in April 2010 in Sofia, Bulgaria, is a nongovernmental organization committed to developing Bulgaria-United States citizen partnerships and providing public support for establishing a sister cities relationship between Bulgaria’s capital Sofia and Chicago.
Email: office@friendsofchicago.org