Кастинг директори от Northwestern University търсят за главна роля в американски игрален късометражен филм българска актриса.
Актрисата трябва да е на възраст от 36 до 45 години и може и да не е с американски опит. Кастингът ще се проведе на 8 и 9 януари 2010 г., а снимките са планувани от 12 до 21 февруари 2010 година.
“Keycards” – A Northwestern University Student Film
In this suspenseful drama, two strangers struggle to connect through a language foreign to them both.
Premise: Basia and Hugo meet at the airport only to discover that they are both heading to the same medical conference. As a subtle attraction begins to form between them at the conference, Ramón seemingly distracts Hugo from Basia entirely. But when Hugo plays a game with his and Basia’s hotel keycards, the possibility of a more intimate connection suddenly presents itself.
Characters: BASIA – Female, 40-50 years old, Eastern European (preferably Bulgarian; should be fluent in Bulgarian or another language of the region, i.e. Polish, Czech, Slovak, etc.). Reserved, idealistic doctor who feels uncomfortable approaching others in English.
HUGO – Male, 45-55 years old, Hispanic (preferably Argentine; should be fluent in Spanish). Charming, seasoned doctor who is actively friendly despite a lack of command of English.
RAMÓN – Male, 40-50 years old, Hispanic (preferably Argentine; should be fluent in Spanish). Elitist, jovial doctor who speaks English fairly well but prefers to talk with other Spanish-speakers.
Please contact us at KeycardsCasting@gmail.com to schedule an audition or with any questions. If you are able, please include a headshot and resume.
If you have any questions or suggestions, we can be reached via phone – Talia Alberts at 310-428-6664 and Molly Lyons at 914-960-9816.