Attempt an English translation by Google (Google – the language of the future).
Klement Velichkov – newspaper „Bulgaria now,“ Chicago
Fraction of this topic is addressed in the article by Professor Charakchiev in which he commented on how the future can, thanks to genomes, to realize a better choice of spouse. Especially in the presence of today’s communications.
Thanks to the Web today can „recognize“ people with very good likeness of married life – one in Argentina, the other in New Zealand and make super-family …
Now is almost but not quite. Again they do not know, are far from each other, but do not marry the fathers and mothers, and Facebook, or … now – their own genomes!
Here is what the question in two essays Professor Nikola Charakchiev, our expert on Genetic Genealogy.
Prof. Ph. D. Nikola Charakchiev
There are two main methods for the choice of spouse:
1. Classic by initial emotional connection where love plays an important role.
2. Analytical, through initial selective from available databases.
The classic method is natural selection and its advantages are that it is achieved through greater biodiversity.
The disadvantage of classical selection is possible disharmony between some parameters of individuals that may occur after marriage.
The analytical approach is a new method for optimized selection of marriage partners according to their individual characteristics, which are known in advance.
The disadvantage of the analytical approach is the opportunity for infringements of biodiversity in the world, which is related to the survival of humanity. Analytical methods of approach are several, but perhaps the most promising is using information about the genome (DNA) of the partners.
It is known that the three billion „base“ in the human genome contain information about his past 100 000 years ago until today, as well as data on the possible behavior of the individual in his future.
American company offers more than 300 positions varied personal information about individuals who have made it for study of their DNA. Under certain conditions it is possible, each client company to see the personal information of other customers. This creates a potential opportunity to choose a life partner on information from DNA, i. e. the analytical period precedes the emotional period of marriage.
As reported earlier newspaper „now Bulgaria“, Bulgarian genealogy center – Chicago „propose and define possible stages in the development of genetic genealogy.
In stage „Genetic analysis“ direction „Society“ is impossible to achieve
– Gene Information for peer compatibility.
In the field „Genetically investment“ may be developed:
– Gene selection of marriage;
– Algorithm to marriage and after marriage program;
– Algorithm for connecting a wedding program. customers are over a hundred Bulgarians advanced and probably tens of thousands of inhabitants of the planet. For more information – write to .
Nowadays there are several companies in the world who are working professionally in the field of genetic genealogy. They already have several hundred thousand customers worldwide who have made their own DNA samples with them. One of these companies is „“. The company has thousands of personal data for those who have made a DNA sample to them. By customer request, these data may be discrete or public.
For what exactly is it?
First, that each client can request a summary of yourself in some so-called „Personal Profile“, namely, where he was born, what are his parents, where his relatives live in the world, what questions , Looking to publish your photo and so on … This data is entered by the private participant in the research.
The second type of data that exist and are stored in the genome of the client company provide the participant after having studied his DNA. These are data on the health of man and his susceptibility to specific drugs. For example: what are the risks of sickness, of which he may be genetically ill and to what extent. This includes its susceptibility to alcohol, drugs, smoking and more. In addition to its genetic characterization data appear for his taste for bitter, sweet, salty, strong or weak.
The third group are the data for so-called „bases“ of the genome of the client. Once you have them and you’re allowed „Your Portrait“ can be seen individually or in public, anyone can come in contact with you. Can you write a letter, you can see part of your so-called „baseline data“ and finally – to see „all data“ for you. But this happens only with your permission.
Once someone sees another person’s data, it may correspond with him. Can identify and close relationship. And if things get serious – he can see the overall performance of humans and to assess whether you can live with him in marriage
According to unofficial data, there are several agencies that offer marriage through DNA testing.
The choice can be done individually – if you are a member of a company for Genetic Genealogy and you can see all your profile of interest.
It is known that some people try and implement a successful family through information received via email. In Genetic Genealogy, things are much more reliable because it can have the information of the person they care, and may know his character, his way of life … As estimates of the health status of that person in the future.
A more detailed analysis of participants shows that the problems of Genetic Genealogy is interested in intelligent people from around the world with multiple interests, and this creates an opportunity to rapidly increase their circle of new friends.
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