In May 2012, Chicago will be the center of the economic and political world as heads of state and government, top diplomats, military figures, international journalists, and global thought leaders convene for the G8 and NATO Summits. The Atlantic Council of the United States and The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, in collaboration with the Slovak Atlantic Commission and the Atlantic Treaty Association, are seeking to engage next-generation leaders—between 25 and 35 years of age—in a series of activities in the run up to the Chicago Summits. Learn more and apply.
To facilitate a lasting conversation on the issues that will highlight the NATO Summit, we will convene an international, non-partisan Working Group of emerging professional leaders to participate in an interactive and substantive dialogue about transatlantic and global security issues, and to form a community of peers. Members of the Working Group will engage in online dialogue, have access to private web or phone conferences with leading experts, and have the opportunity to earn subsidized in-person participation in two high-profile Young Atlanticist events:
- A Young Atlanticist meeting (April 11-14, 2012), to be held in Bratislava, Slovakia, in conjunction with the GLOBSEC Conference; and
- The Young Atlanticist Summit (May 18-21, 2012), to be held in Chicago on the sidelines of the official NATO Summit.
We are currently seeking applications from exceptional young professionals, aged 25-35, and are targeting individuals who have started careers in the fields of international relations, electoral politics, defense/security, journalism, international business, and academia. Successful candidates will possess a strong passion for international engagement and have demonstrated leadership abilities.
The application form, as well as participant qualifications and detailed information on the NATO Working Group and the 2012 Young Atlanticist Summits, can be found at
To be considered for this program, interested parties should submit the following materials to no later than Monday, February 6, 2012:
- Current résumé, including nationality and age; and
- Application form and essays.
Please note that recruitment will be conducted on a competitive basis. Current or prior organizational affiliations will be taken into consideration, but will not guarantee selection.
The Chicago Council is enthusiastic about these programs and the impact that it will have on Chicago and the world’s future leaders. Should you have any questions, please contact Chris Moffo, assistant director, studies, at
Думи на генералния консул в Чикаго С. Стоилов
Уважаеми Дами и Господа,
През тази година годишната среща на върха на страните членки на НАТО и Г-8 се провежда през месец май именно в Чикаго. Огромен форум, на който държавни глави и министри на страните членки на Алианса и ще се срещнат при нас и България ще стои равнопоставено сред всички тях.
Организаторите на форума дават възможност за участие на млади хора, ангажирани със световните проблеми и политиката на НАТО, да кандидатстват за участие на срещите на върха. Би било достойно да намерим сред многото млади българи желаещи да се включат. Моля да имате предвид, че срокът за кандидатстване е изключително кратък – до 06 февруари 2012 г. В тази връзка моля нека всеки от вас популяризира сред своите познати младежи, които искат и изявяват своята гражданска позиция тази възможност, за да може още веднъж да покажем, че и българското младо поколение не е безразлично.
Simeon S. Stoilov
Consul General