Driven by a sincere effort to achieve legal redress for the crimes of communism and redeem the immense suffering that affected millions of citizens under totalitarian communist regimes, we request the legislative bodies of these countries and the authorities of the European Union to adopt effective legal norms that will allow just punishment of communist criminals and abolition of all benefits they still enjoy.
Initiative “Legal settlement of the crimes of communism“
The Declaration 2012 was adopted on 17 January, 2012 in the presence of Ambassadors (or their representatives) of European countries belonging to the former region of Soviet communist influence. The response to the Declaration 2012 will be evaluated together with them on 17 April, 2012 and at joint meetings thereafter.
Signatories as of 17 January, 2012:
Akademický klub 48 Brno (Academic club 48 Brno), CZ
Asociace soukromého zemědělství České republiky (Association of private farmers in the Czech Republic), CZ
CAROLINUM – Spolek absolventů a přátel Univerzity Karlovy (CAROLINUM – society of alumni and friends of the Charles University), CZ
Český svaz technických praporů (Czech association of technical units), CZ
Dcery 50. Let (Enemy’s daughters), CZ
Klub Dr. Milady Horákové (Milada Horáková club), CZ
Konfederace politických vězňů České republiky (Confederation of political prisoners of the Czech Republic), CZ
Křesťanské akademické fórum Praha (Christian academic forum Prague), CZ
Orel (Eagle), CZ
Pražský akademický klub 48 (Prague academic club 48), CZ
Sdružení křesťanských seniorů (Association of Christian seniors), CZ
Společnost Antonína Švehly (Antonín Švehla society), CZ
Společnost Edvarda Beneše (Edvard Beneš society), CZ
Svaz občanské sebeobrany České republiky (Association for civic self-defence, Czech Republic), CZ
Svaz PTP-VTNP České republiky (Association of the auxiliary technical units – military forced labour camps), CZ
Svaz vlastníků půdy (Association of landowners), CZ
Umění bez bariér (Art without barriers), CZ
Further signatories are welcome to join the Declaration by sending an e-mail with the text „We support the Declaration 2012: name of the organisation, address, name of the statutory representative“ to the e-mail address
Information about the initiative „Legal settlement of the crimes of communism“ (in Czech) is available on the web sites, Právní narovnání and, Spolupracující organizace a instituce. Iniciativa „Právní narovnání zločinů komunismu“.
We support the Declaration 2012
Name of the organisation: Hannah Arendt Center – Sofia
2 Kiril Hristov Str., 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
phone: +359 889 032 954
Name of the statutory representative:
Vasil Kadrinov, Director