CNN: Десетки загинаха при взрив в торов завод в Тексас
Между 60 и 70 души са загинали и стотици са били ранени при експлозията в завод за изкуствени торове в Тексас, предаде Франс прес, като се позова на служител на спасителните служби, съобщи БТА.
Официални данни за каквито и да е жертви обаче няма и споменатите данни са прогнозна оценка за пораженията от подобна авария.
Взривът станал около 20 часа местно време в предприятието „Уест фъртилайзър“ и причинил пожари в съседните сгради, където може би са блокирани хора. Причината за експлозията все още не е установена, но тя е била толкова мощна, че е чута в радиус от над 60 километра разстояние. Малко по-късно бе съобщено за регистриран трус с магнитуд от 2.1, но още не е ясно дали това не е сеизмична вълна от експлозията.
Взривът в малкия град Уест, с население от 2700 души, на 32 километра северно от Уейко и на около 130 километра южно от Далас, нанесъл щети и разрушил много сгради, предаде по-рано Ройтерс, като се позова на властите. Един хоспис се е срутил, като се смята, че под отломките има хора.
Сред безследно изчезналите има пожарникари, които са били извикани да гасят пожар, избухнал преди експлозията.
Местни жители спекулират, че огнеборците са залели с вода амониев нитрат, който е избухнал в пожара „също както бомбата в Оклахома сити“. „Живея на около 300 метра от завода и взривът изкърти входната врата и всички прозорци“, споделя служител в местен хотел пред „Далас морнинг нюз“.
Всичко в обширен район около предприятието е буквално издухано от ударната вълна или разрушено, включително жилищен блок. „Цялото градче прилича на зона на бедствие. Кой, по дяволите, е позволил да има завод толкова близо до сградите!“, коментира Бил Манулакис пред изданието.
Очевидци описват как ударната вълна е изхвърлила автомобили, преминаващи по близката магистрала, както и за тичащ из района уплашен добитък от околните ферми.
Експлозията в Уест става два дни преди 20-та годишнина от кървавия край на обсадата на комплекса на сектата „Давидова клонка“ на Дейвид Кореш от федералните органи на реда. След продължила близо месец и половина обсада командоси щурмуваха комплексна от сгради в полето край Уейко, който се подпали и в пламъците изгоряха 82 членове на сектата, включително деца.
Трагедията, в която загинаха и четирима федерални агенти, мотивира организаторите на атентата от 1995 г. в Оклахома сити, в който при рухването на част от сградата „Алфред Мюра“ загинаха над 150 души, включително много деца от детската градина на втория етаж.
Източник: в. „Дневник“
Видео от мястото на събитието:
Аpril 18, 2013 1:02am by Leezel Tanglao /
2:10 a.m. ET: There are 172 people confirmed hospitalized with 23 more people en route/to be admitted. At least 24 people are in critical condition and at 38-40 people are in serious condition. Here is the breakdown from each area hospital:
Baptist Hillcrest Medical Center in Waco: Hospital officials said they have more than 100 patients — 101 registered but are currently assessing around 20 in triage area and are expecting another wave. They are seeing lots of patients with lacerations, orthopedic injuries and a few burns. Nine severely burned patients have been directly sent to Parkland hospital burn center in Dallas. There are reporting no fatalities.
Providence Healthcare Network: Hospital officials said they have treated 58 patients. They are in the process of triaging three. No word yet on whether they will get another wave, but are prepared. At least one patient is in critical condition Most of the injuries are moderate—broken bones, cuts, abrasions, scrapes, respiratory distress—most of these injuries were caused by flying glass or people knocked down by the force of the blast, according to hospital spokeswoman Heather Beck.
Hill Regional Hospital: Unclear
Parkland Hospital in Dallas: Hospital officials said they have nine severe burn patients.
Scott & White Memorial in Temple:received four patients, three at Scott & White Memorial Hospital, and one at McLane Children’s Hospital. Another patient is in route to McLane Children’s. At least two of the four patients are listed in critical condition at this time.
2:03 a.m. ET: ABC News’ Steve Osunsami is a triage center in West, Texas: “As we drove into town we ran into firefighters who were getting gassed up outside of town who tell us the fire is still burning. It’s under control. But it’s still burning.”
1:43 a.m. ET: Mayor of West Tommy Muska said in a news conference said they are concerned about the wind – which they expect to change direction about 3 a.m.
Muska told residents to stay in inside because of the hydrous gas that is still in the air.
1:25 a.m. ET: The explosion registered as 2.1 magnitude quake according the USGS. Residents about 30 miles away in the town of Buffford told ABC News that they felt the quake.
1:21 a.m. ET: VIDEO: Homes and business were completely destroyed around the West, Texas, fertilizer plant.
1:09 a.m. ET: Texas Department of Public Safety trooper D.L. Wilson said in a short news conference that there are more than 100 injuries with fatalities confirmed but did not specify how many deaths. Officials are searching for more people and are doing a house by house search. About 133 people were evacuated from a nursing home. About half the town has been evacuated. Between 50-75 buildings were destroyed or damaged.
“Massive. Just like Iraq. Just like the Murray Building in Oklahoma City… So you can imagine what kind of damage we’re looking at,” Wilson said in describing the blast.
12:53 a.m. ET: Blood drives are planned for Thursday in Texas. Linda Goelzer of Carter Blood Care, the primary blood support service supporting more 58 counties, largest blood provider in Texas told ABC News the people in the community of West are “heart of gold people, like a Norman Rockwell painting.”
“The whole town is being evacuated. We had our blood supply pretty well stocked in Waco as of today but now we are sending more than 300 units of blood from Dallas Fort Worth down to Waco, that’s where patients are going. Many are being care-flighted to Parkland Hospital in Dallas for treatment at their burn center,” Goelzer said.
“Tonight our message to our donors is don’t everybody come at once, we will have patients for who knows how long who will be needing blood. Especially O-negative are needed, universal donor, will likely be expended tonight. What we tell people is that the blood helping people tonight is what’s already on the shelves. What we’ll need most is for consistency. We have blood drives everyday and we will have them tomorrow, we just don’t want people flooding in, in droves, like they did after 9/11. We’re asking our regular donors to keep coming throughout the week because we expect there will be many survivors.”
12:33 a.m. ET: At least 124 people hospitalized, with one hospital telling us that 20 more are on the way. Of those, 38 considered serious.
12:19 a.m. ET: According to the CEO of Baptist Hillcrest Medical Center, Brett Esrock (in Waco) officials are triaging the wounded. Baptist has treated, or is treating 29 wounded, mostly minor to moderate injuries: cuts abrasions, broken bones, respiratory distress, and one critical injury. Hospital officials are being told they are about to receive an additional 20 patients “they are coming in ambulances cars vans, pretty much anything.” Other wounded people are also being sent to Hillsboro Regional Hospital, which has apparently received another 60 patients. – Matt Gutman
11:48 p.m. ET: West City Hall suffered significant damage according to Gail Scarborough with Texas Department of Public Safety. The middle school also caught on fire due to a gas leak in the building.
11:00 p.m. ET: Texas Gov. Rick Perry released the following statement on the explosion in West, Texas: “We are monitoring developments and gathering information as details continue to emerge about this incident. We have also mobilized state resources to help local authorities. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of West, and the first responders on the scene.”
9:33 p.m. ET: According to a dispatcher at Texas Department of Public Safety, there were two explosions and a fire reported at a Fertilizer Plant in the town of West, Texas.
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