In connection with the removed correspondent of the Bulgarian section of Deutsche Welle – Ivan Bedrov and Emy Baruch, 52 Bulgarian journalists, human rights activists and University lecturers have sent a letter to the Broadcasting Board of Deutsche Welle and to the German Ambassador in Bulgaria.
The letter says:
We, bulgarian journalists, human rights activists, media and law lecturers, are highly embarrassed by the release of the two correspondents – Ivan Bedrov and Emy Baruch – from the Bulgarian section of DW.
Being aware of our shared responsibility for transparency as a basic rule of democratic media, we would like to be informed in more details about the editor’s reasons to cease work with our respected colleagues.
The spokesman of DW Mr. Johannes Hoffman confirmed for the newspaper „Capital“: “DW received a detailed letter from Bulgaria regarding the reflection of the news in Bulgarian language. Now we investigate the issues raised in the letter. On this occasion, the responsible head of editorial Alexander Andreev will be heard too“.
We would like to know which the objectionable materials are. What have been found in them which deviate from the ethical standarts in journalism?
We also insist to be informed who are the senders of the letter and what is its actual content. Bulgarian publicity reacts violently to any interfere in the media independence. We need to access the letter of Bulgaria, on which you have taken the decision to end cooperation with Ivan Bedrov and Emy Baruch. We believe that both the journalists and human rights organizations with undeniable international reputation in the battle to protect freedom of expression have a good reason to be adamant in our request.
…The editorial team of DW has always been the epitome of ethical standards in journalistic work. We believe that this time the leaders of the esteemed German media will be as usual with us in a difficult time for our democracy, in which independent media are important factor.
According to unconfirmed information officially, the two journalists were removed as a result of a letter from an influential Bulgarian bank to Deutsche Welle.
Из официалния отговор на Дойче Веле:
„Независимо от това внимателната проверка на публикациите на Българската редакция установи, че горепосочените автори многократно са нарушили журналистическите стандарти на Дойче веле, например: стриктното разделяне на мнение от информация или пък подкрепянето на твърдения с доказуем фактически материал. В резултат от това ДВ реши да прекрати сътрудничеството с двамата кореспонденти. Това решение беше взето независимо от писмото от банката. Такива решения се взимат винаги, когато в рамките на редовния контрол за качество в ДВ бъдат установени споменатите професионални опущения.“
Би могло да се каже, в известен смисъл, че заради доста съмнителния имидж на КТБ, Дойче Веле ще плати малко и със собствения си имидж, за което не знам дали ръководството на тази световна медия си дава сметка.