The American Southeast Europe Chamber of Commerce (AmSECC), in partnership with the UNICEF and Ivy League Baseball Club are proud to present Miles to GO, a series of fundraising efforts for flood relief in Southeastern Europe. Since 2009, AmSECC has been committed to its mission to aide in economic development, cultural exchange and charitable endeavors between the United States and Southeast Europe. Starting May 17th, 2014 there was a natural catastrophe in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia caused by record breaking floods that took many lives, destroyed houses and properties, and displaced millions of people. This event is to promote awareness among the American public of flood devastation in the region and to raise monetary assistance to support UNICEF’s works in the region.
Location: 3637 N. Sheffield Ave-Chicago, IL 60613
More information about venue at http://www.wrigleyrooftops.
Time: Tuesday June 3rd, 2014, 2pm – 5pm
Admission: $80 early registration. $100 after June 2nd, 2014. This includes food, beer, wine, beverages and spectacular views of Wrigley Field and the Chicago skyline.Space is limited to 200 people so register early at www.amsecc.org to secure your place. This event will happen rain or shine. 100% of funds collected at the event will support UNICEF’s life-saving work in the Central and Eastern Europe region.
Silent Auction Items: Signed merchandise from the Bosnian and Herzegovinian soccer team, tickets for the friendly game with Mexico that same evening, Home Depot merchandise, Wrigley Rooftops raffle for Cubs games, 2 air tickets to Istanbul on Turkish Airlines, and more.
Partners: UNICEF, Home Depot, Turkish Airlines, Country Financial, Arete’ Renovators Inc., Wrigley Rooftops, World Chicago and Chicago Soccer.
If you cannot attend and would like to support our efforts please donate at: www.amsecc.org
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