The decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of “Texas v. Pennsylvania” is not on the merits, but in view of the procedure.
I.e. 7 judges shall not rule on the accuracy of the facts set forth in the claim, but only on the procedural admissibility of such a claim.
However, Judges Alito and Thompson considered the claim admissible and cited a precedent of 24.02.2020 – „Arizona v. California, 589 U.S.“
Therefore, SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) does not deny the veracity of the evidence of criminal fraud in the presidential election, but for misunderstood procedural reasons prefers not to examine the merits of the evidence provided.
Trump’s lawyers and, above all, the Giuliani-Powell team must file a new substantive lawsuit with SCOTUS, which the court cannot circumvent for procedural reasons.
Notice how the same court dealt with the following case brought by the Golden Calf (Baal, the supreme god of the ancient and modern pagans):
„The petition for a writ of certiorari is granted.“ / „The request for a letter requesting documents from a lower instance FOR VERIFICATION IS SATISFIED.“
… And verification of the thousands of evidence provided in the previous case is not allowed with elementary court harassment – allegedly a „procedural omission“ of the plaintiffs !!!