To believe in democracy is to understand that each of our citizens has wisdom and has a...
In English
The goal is clear: replace organically grown democratic institutions with compliant, globalist-friendly governments willing to toe the...
The maximum number of points each country can receive is 100, with a maximum of 60 points...
CNN initially downplayed the significance of Hunter Biden's laptop and emails, claims which were later reported on...
Citing three explosive conflicts – Israel versus Hamas, Ukraine versus Russia and the U.S. versus itself, the...
Дневниците на посетителите на Белия дом показват, че бизнес партньорите на Хънтър Байдън са посещавали Белия дом...
GRECO furthermore stresses the need to strengthen the operational independence of the Police from political influence. A...
He explained that Zelensky will not survive 24 hours without help. He proposed to exclude Russia from...
Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed--and no republic can survive. That is...
When we go to the basis, the substance, of this act, the Fair Work Act, this is...
Merten served as ambassador to Haiti during "the worst urban natural disaster in modern history, a cholera...