Ashkenazic Jews were among the last Europeans to take family names. Some German-speaking Jews took last names...
In English
And now, with the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination finally upon us, here is a snapshot...
SPRINGFIELD – Governor Pat Quinn today declared Douglas, Jasper, Pope, Wabash, Wayne and Will counties state disaster...
Bulgaria’s ruling Socialists vowed on Wednesday to stay in power to pursue reforms despite continued street protests...
The protest at Kliment Ochridsky University in the capital, Sofia, will likely energize an anti-government movement that...
SOFIA, Bulgaria -- In Europe's most affordable capital, a night in a four-star hotel goes for less...
Roger Waters Backs the Anti-Government Protesters in Bulgaria During his Show "The Wall Live" with his...
Beginning Jan. 1, 2014, using hand-held cell phones/PDA devices while driving will be illegal in Illinois under...
CNN: "America's top 50 small towns are not only thriving economically, they’ve also got all you could...
Immigrant children who came to the U.S. before they were teens do better in academic achievement and...
Last night, Republicans and Democrats in the House of Representatives joined the Senate in passing the American...