In the spirit of moral integrity, freedom, democracy, human rights, rule of law and...
"It would be intolerable and immoral for the government to coerce someone, and their family, to take...
Please leave the Petition № 0784/2019 open due to the following facts and circumstances:
I have submitted new...
The Bulgarian site for investigative journalism, Bivol, and its partner from the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting...
The Petition of ABSA was welcomed and protected by arguments from its importers, from Bulgarian MEPs and...
We all want to live in a peaceful world and that is why the European Union was...
Trump is the only significant leader today who continues to publicly indulge in the delusion that man-made...
Bayer is one of the largest producers of agricultural chemicals, fertilizers, and pesticides. And Monsanto is one...
In the next few days, a discussion about one of the main causes of the greatest injustices...